SEO Perth Expert

Specialising in Perth SEO Services

What is a good start to SEO?

Fast loading themes is part of the design brief for web designers.

A good start to good SEO is building important foundations for future SEO which is difficult to undo if you start down the wrong path.

  1. SEO starts with keyword research. I use a couple of Google keyword research tools and organise the results in an email to you.
    • Sharing the keyword research with your web designers, copywriters, social media marketers, and your ad agency/PR company if you have them.
    • Buying exact-match domain names based on the keywords research.

What is in a web design brief for good SEO?

  1. Pages must be indexable by search engines.
  2. Use a lightweight WordPress theme. I like the Sydney WordPress theme for fast loading web pages.
  3. Keep the site elegant, professional and simple.
    1. Minimal use of javascript (js) and css
  4. Page URLs must have keywords in them.  That includes;
    1. No stop words like: the, in, at, of.  No dirty URL with numbers and weird marks #?!-*%20.
    2. Image file name need keywords
  5. Please read image optimisation
    1. Optimise all images before uploading
    2. Correct image formats
    3. Hero (header images can be 1920 x 1080 ie 16:9 rati) others should be in the ratios:
      1.   4:3  eg 800x600px  or  600x400px  or  400x300px
      2.   1:1  eg  512x512px or 720x720px
  6. Page titles need to be a mix of upper and lower case. Eg the home page, Web Design Brief
  7. Only install FREE plugins unless you want to be at the mercy of plugin price rises every time a paid plugin license is required:
    1. Elementor page builder plugin.
    2. Yoast SEO.  I’ll install the Premium version later as part of the plan for both higher-level SEO plans.
    3. EWWW Image optimiser
    4. Litespeed cache management
    5. AkiSmet
    6. delete “Hello Dolly”
  8. On the server select
    1. File compression
    2. Latest or second latest version of PHP. (In WordPress check site health to see if there are any things needed in PHP)
    3. Enable Lightspeed plugin
    4. Redirect http and www to httpS
  9. Please create a dofollow link to the new site from your web designer’s portfolio page.
  10. Credit to a web page author, Eg Author Perth influencer, Ben Grummels.
  11. Footer text:  © 2024 Your Business Name. Designed by XXX? Marketing by SEO Perth.


When starting a new website it is important for web designers to go down the right path with good building blocks for a good SEO foundation.

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