Following is a list of SEO analysis and keyword research tools. Some are specialise in only keyword research. Some tools do a number of different SEO analyses. The simplest, most popular and best keyword research tool is Google’s Trends.
aHrefs. The best for backlink checking. Even better aHrefs backlink checker is free. You’ll need to pay to get keyword rankings/movement up or down Vs time. See snipped backlink example at the bottom of this web page.
Moz for rating spammy links scores. It’s free.
SEMrush is good for reporting toxic links to your site. Don’t worry to disavow them anymore. The latest news is that Google discounts toxic backlinks from link farms etc.
Ubersuggest is a tool I haven’t tried yet.
Google’s Keyword Planner is a good tool for showing search volumes on Google and for keyword ideas. and Grammarly are good for synonyms.
Then there are search engines. Don’t forget “exact match” searches to see how SEO for your phrase is performing. Put your phrase between apostrophes.