H Tags in SEO

How page structure and H tags are important for SEO.
For focus have h1 match the page title. Think of h1 like the title of a book. H2 like paragraph names.
H tags are important for SEO.
- Web designers typically make the mistake of using h tags only for formatting
- We recommend only using one h1 tag per page.
- Some content management systems are configured so that a h1 tag will automatically be generated (= to) the page title. There’s disagreement as to whether this is good for SEO or not. I don’t like it. I want the option to have the h1 tag differ from the page title.
What are “H tags”?
H tags are used to let search engines know the relative importance of areas on a web page. Just like books having a structure of book title, chapter headings, and sometimes section heading so to do web pages have structure. H tags are behind the page in html code as shown in the diagram above.
Setting H tag Styles
The style of h tags is set by a file named the style sheet, a dot css file. It’s normal for h1 to be the biggest font size and h4 or h5 to be the smallest font size.
H tags Misused
H tags are important for SEO, not just formatting.
I recommend site structure planning with an SEO consultant BEFORE handing over a web design project to a graphic/web designer. Permalinks (= URL/path) and h tagged headings on pages are an important part of website structure for good SEO.
Most web designers in Perth only use h tags for formatting. Using poor words like “WELCOME” and often in the h1 tag on the home page is the ultimate in bad for SEO, h tagging. If site owners really want the word welcome at the top of a web page, consider using a picture of the word “WELCOME”.
H tag post by local Perth author Ben Grummels, SEO expert Perth, Australia.