SEO Perth Expert

Specialising in Perth SEO Services

CSR Perth, Volunteer Marketing Perth


Ben Grummels voluneer fire fighter.

Blurry photo of me, Ben Grummels, a volunteer firefighter at Laverton Western Australia. Volunteered many extra hours of unpaid work to help Aboriginals into employment after managing vocational training and Aboriginal mining business mentoring in outback Western Australia.

When the RAAF Association Aviation Heritage Museum of Western Australia asked for his father’s plane, Ben Grummels donated it. The aviation museum in Perth, in most cases, for unknown reasons, doesn’t acknowledge donor names. The aeroplane was built by John Grummels senior in our garage and was the first plane to land at Jandakot Airport, Perth, illegally amongst the graders. John Grummels was a bit of a pioneering cowboy aviator in Western Australia. DCA wouldn’t approve the plane he built because it was held together with bolts instead of rivets or visa versa, something like that.

Ben built the first website in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, in 1995 just south of the town of Broome for volunteer community development reasons.
After hours volunteer photographer, editor, publisher of the La Grange Bay News.

Corporate social responsibility from Perth to an not-for-profit organisation on Aitutaki Cook Islands.
International corporate social responsibility from Perth.

I served as an Australian Volunteer Abroad, (was AVA now named AVI) 1980 – 1985 as head of Aitutaki‘s Araura College science department. The demand for sailing tours led to full-time sailing 1985 to 1990.  Eg took the Australian high commissioner to New Zealand sailing to attract aid funds to build a basketball court at this island high school. Provided many free familiarisation tours to promote the change of Aitutaki from an agricultural economy to a tourism-led economy. Took many prime ministers, including my funny dear friend David Lange (IM) (several times a year), sailing.

Ben Grummels SEO Perth
Ben on a typical day's work : Sailing to uninhabited islets on the barriers reef of the Aitutaki Lagoon.

Ben donated $400 towards shelters for Isaan children living in Bangkok.

CSR food donation
Wife Suree and mother preparing food Suree donated to a community event at a Phu Phan mountain temple which we also donated a lot towards the roof.

Ben and wife Suree donated a roof for a Buddhist community meeting place in the village of Wang Nam Mok, Phraphutthabat, in the province of Nong Khai, and helped with the roof of the temple in photo above, located in the Phu Phan Mountains of North East Thailand.

CSR Thailand

I’m Ben, a firm believer in CSR not only in Perth, WA but where ever, I’m touched by human needs where best I can leverage my SEO skills to help worthwhile causes.

4 Web Marketing is a small one man sole trading business providing digital marketing, specialising in expert SEO Perth wide. (More info). All Perth not-for-profit organisations get a certain amount of 100% free CSR donations. The level of CSR for community associations, business associations, educational and other organisation in Perth WA and internationally depends on:

  1. Type of orgaisation. For example a business association, chamber of commerce or business networking group would get 20 minutes of free SEO consultation and thereafter @ 50% discount.
    A community not-for-profi organisation/association would get an hour of free SEO consultation and 50% discount.
  2. Our availability.
  3. Our financial situation.


Ben volunteered on the Scarborough School P&C.
Ben developed the Scarborough Beach website for community development reasons. The thinking: if Scarborough Beach business owners and their employees prosper, they would be better placed to serve the Scarborough community.

2009 volunteer guest speaker to media students at ECU Mount Lawley campus.

Ben’s 4 Web Marketing donated $140 in October 2019 to North Beach Primary School.  Also donated a bicycle and cakes.

Bake donation to North Beach Primary School

CSR for Perth school
When I served on Churchlands High School P&C I also cooked and served sausages for this Perth school community members.

Vocational training at Qatar General Petroleum Corporation, Doha, Qatar.While Vocational training at Qatar General Petroleum Corporation, Doha, Qatar, I volunteered sailing instruction after hours.

Laos fund raising Global Hands Charity Perth My table at a Global Hands charity fundraising event in Perth for educational and medical equipment for Laos.

Our 2020 CSR didn’t start in Perth but during our holidays in remote northeast Thailand where my wife Suree, organized, delivered and donated cooked Thai restaurant food to every student and teacher at remote Ban Nai Yaw school in the Na Khu district, Kalasin province, northeast Thailand.

Volunteer development of the first Northern Gold Fields community website while working as manager of the Leonora Laverton Regional Development Association. Got 92% of the long term unemployed into jobs.


The Australia Dutch Business Association in Perth, was a Netherlands chamber of commerce in Perth Western Australia. It is now superseeded by the Australian Dutch Business Council in Perth where there is a big Dutch community. As a committee member of ADBA I did volunteer web development and digital marketing of this not-for-profit organisation. Got this small Dutch business organisation in Perth Google first world wide for the phrase “dutch business“. All Dutch businesses in Perth can expect free SEO consultations and discounted hands-on SEO services. My mother was a leading Dutch business woman in Perth for decades. She donated time and money to good causes in Perth. After being a prisoner of war in Java, she worked for the Red Cross and received a Dutch pension till her death in 2020. 

Dutch Business Perth
Dutch Business Perth

Consultation and buying of the domain name for the Scarborough Beach business Association (SBA).

Donated hundreds of dollars in prizes to the Stirling Business Association 2019 quiz night.

Frequently buying raffle tickets for worthwhile organisations such as the Western Australian Disabled Sports Association.

Cash donation to Wikipedia.

Small cash donation twice of $21 and offer of free SEO for Perth children’s cancer charity.

Free online ads for charities in Bali.

As part of my CSR I donated two lots of $21 to this Australian kid’s cancer charity.

Donation to Perth cancer charity CSR Perth.

Any Perth charity which gets money from hoons will not be eligible for my free SEO.
Charity fund raising Perth.
CC comment from this Perth hoon video.

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