SEO audit

Which Are The Best Keyword Research Tools?

Following is a list of SEO analysis and keyword research tools. Some are specialise in only keyword research. Some tools do a number of different SEO analyses. The simplest, most popular and best keyword research tool is Google’s Trends. BEST SEO ANALYSIS TOOLS Google Trends  aHrefs. The best for backlink checking. Even better aHrefs backlink […]

How To Get Backlinks

14 ways how to get more quality backlink juice for better SEO. What incentive to get webmasters to link to my site? Backlinks are an important search engine ranking signal. Natural acquisition of relevant to your website from quality web pages is good for SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation ).  Following are 14 ways on […]


ALEXA SHUTTING DOWN Not the Alexa gadget but news of Amazon’s Alexa site popularity ranking free online tool shutting down is sad and will be a missed service. SEO news today via tells it straight from Alexa. Critics have said that Alexa site popularity ranking collects data from only a small percentage of internet users but […]

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