Winning experienced affordable best 2023 search engine optimisation expert consultant Perth WA. THE best SEO consultant in Perth Western Australia in 2022

The SEO Perth 2023 business tags for Western Australian sites about Perth WA.

2022 is set for big businesses and small Perth businesses to boom as they come out of the Covid induced Australian recession.

I’ve worked in the oil & gas and mining industries of the resources industry of Western Australia. It is looking good for a big 2022 with many new mining and other resources projects in the pipeline.


The flow-on effect of the mining/resources lead economy is setting Perth up to be the capital city of the economic engine powering the Australian economy.

Without Covid the hospitality industry, retail industry and entertainment industry of 2021 in Perth should boom. This includes Perth music and the arts in Perth.

Above is an example of a photo taken in Perth that features in the 2023 Perth Wall Calendar. It includes 2021 holiday dates in Perth.

Compared to 2021 the year 2023 has got to be better. However, because more people worked from home and went online with their businesses in 2023 it meant web designers in Perth and IT support services professionals were kept in jobs and kept busy. As fast as web designers built web sites they built a growing client base for digital marketers and people like me ( Ben Grummels ), SEO Perth expert.



ALEXA SHUTTING DOWN Not the Alexa gadget but news of Amazon’s Alexa site popularity ranking free online tool shutting down is sad and will be a missed service. SEO news today via https://support.alexa.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410503838999 tells it straight from Alexa. Critics have said that Alexa site popularity ranking collects data from only a small percentage of internet users but […]

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