SEO Perth Expert

Specialising in Perth SEO Services

Why Monthly SEO?

Reasons why CONTINUED investment in SEO important:

  1. Search engines change over time. For example, as more peoples use mobile phones for searching, Google has placed more importance on user experience (UX) such as page load speed.
  2. Your competitors change.
  3. Competitors and their SEO staff/agency know of all of these changes and adapt to changes
  4. Competitors continually work on link building for more and quality backlink juice
  5. What people search for changes over time. When I first started SEO, popular terms were “online marketing” “web marketing“, “internet marketing” however “digital marketing” came along and became popular.
    Monthly SEO.
  6. Clients change. eg they target new products and or services.
  7. SEO prices change. As more people do SEO the prices drive down.
Why Monthly SEO?

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